As dynamic nurturing schools, we at St Patrick and St Edmund’s will shine the light of God’s love as we move forward together in Christ. Through our Gospel values, we aim:

  • To make all in our school family feel they are included, valued and respected and have a positive contribution to make. To provide a welcoming, bright and stimulating environment where all children feel happy secure and safe and to inspire all in our community to be successful in their learning.
  • To create a school family where tolerance and understanding are promoted and where the different spiritual, cultural moral and personal worlds in which we live are harmonised to form the roots which will hold our children secure.
  • To instil in our children, through Mass, worship and prayer, a lasting belief in their unique worth as children of God, guided and blessed by His love on their journey through life.
  • To encourage the school community to bear witness to the Gospel values handed down by Christ in the Beatitudes. To treat others with love, forgiveness, compassion and respect as Jesus taught us.
  • To nurture children of whom families and school can be justly proud – children who are hardworking, confident, caring role models who leave our school friends with God and with one other, ready for the challenges that life brings.