Section 48 (Religious Education and Catholic Life) Inspection Report June 2024Download
PUPIL PREMIUM 2022-23Download

Sports Premium

SPORTS PREMIUM IMPACT REPORT St Edmund’s 2022 – 2023Download
SPORTS PREMIUM IMPACT REPORT St Patrick’s 2022 – 2023Download
SPORTS PREMIUM IMPACT REPORT St Patrick and St Edmund’s 2023 – 2024 (Available July 2024)Download

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is allocated to local authorities and schools with pupils on their rolls who are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time during the last six years. Each of these pupils attracts additional funding. Schools have the freedom to spend the Premium, which is in addition to the school budget, in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.

The targeted and strategic use of the pupil premium should support us in achieving our Mission for all children so that they can truly

“Shine together in Christ”.

School Profile 2022/23

Total Number of Pupils on Role


Number of Pupils Eligible for PPG


Amount of PPG per Pupil


Total Amount of PPG received


PPG figures are for the financial year

School data is for the academic year


The Government’s introduction of the Pupil Premium is in complete accord with the school’s ethos to promote the development of every pupil and re-inforces the Catholic Church’s social teaching which implores us always to pursue the “preferential option for the poor” in practical ways. Consequently, all members of staff and governors accept responsibility for those pupils recognised as ‘disadvantaged’ and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs.

  • We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the pupils.
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.
  • In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged.
  • We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
  • Pupil premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals.


The ways in which the Governors could consider making best use of Pupil Premium could include:

  • Providing small group work with an experienced teacher focussed on overcoming gaps in learning.
  • 1-1 support
  • Additional teaching and learning opportunities provided by trained Teaching Assistants or external agencies.
  • Behaviour and attendance support
  • Specialist CPD training for staff
  • Specialist language support
  • Opportunities for curriculum enrichment such as music provision or subsidising trips and visits that enhance learning.

All our work through the pupil premium will be aimed at accelerating progress moving children to at least age related expectations. Initially this will be in English and Maths.

Provision will not be aimed at children with a statement of special educational needs as funding for them is already in place.


  • It will be the responsibility of the Headteacher, or a delegated member of staff to
  • Produce regular reports for the Governing Body
  • Track the progress made towards narrowing the gap for socially disadvantaged pupils.
  • Assess the impact of support through full consideration of all data
  • Evaluate the cost effectiveness, in terms of the progress made by the pupils receiving a particular provision, when compared with other forms of support.
  • The Governors of the school will ensure that there is an annual statement to parents on how the Pupil Premium funding has been used to address the issue of ‘narrowing the gap’, for socially disadvantaged pupils. This will appear on our school website.