On behalf of the children, parents, staff and governors, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you from St Patrick and St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School.

We are a diverse, multicultural, two-form split site entry Catholic school in the heart of Birmingham, serving the Ladywood/Winson Green area. The children and families that make up our school family come from all around the globe, providing our children with a rich understanding of the wider world. “The pupils’ personal development and wellbeing and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are of high quality and strengths of the school,” … “The Christian values of the school, such as ‘faithfulness and integrity, dignity and compassion, humility and gentleness, truth and justice, forgiveness and mercy’, shine through all aspects of the school’s work.” Ofsted July 2019

I am so proud to be Head Teacher of St Patrick and Edmund’s. We have wonderful pupils here – they are polite, kind and hardworking. “They are extremely polite, well-mannered and work well together and treat each other with respect.” Ofsted July 2019.

Every day, they live out our school motto “Shine Together in Christ”.  As a Catholic school, our mission is rooted both in the Gospel Values that are lived out every single day and in the promotion of pupils’ intrinsic and equal worth  because they are “Made in the image and likeness of God”.

I am equally proud of our hardworking and dedicated staff who also shine in order to let our pupils flourish as they “Live together, pray together, learn together and grow together in Christ”.

We look forward to meeting you.

Miss Cairns
Head Teacher